Websites | JPL Marketing Solutions - Small Business Growth Strategists. Digital & Print Marketing Agency in Macarthur, Sydney.


Is your Website really showcasing your
business the way you want it to?


Firstly, why is a website so important?

Particularly for smaller, local business, clearly the main reason is awareness. Google searches are the primary method of research for most people and if they don't find a website for your business then they will go straight to your competitor. Following that...........


First Impressions

Your website is potentially your first interaction with potential future customers. It is therefore your first & best chance to showcase your business the way you want others to see it. 

Make the wrong first impression with your website and you may never get a chance to correct it as they will likely never even bother to contact you.........and worst of all you'll never even know it's happening.

Right, or wrong?

Like it or not, people will make assumptions about the competency of you & your business just based on what they see on your website. 

  • If they search and find that you only have a Facebook page and don't even have a website, they'll just assume you're too lazy to create a website. 
  • If they search and find a website that looks dated, with bad formatting & badly presented information, they'll start to make assumptions about how up to date you are, and how organised your business is. 
  • If they search and find a website that is complex & difficult to navigate, they'll make assumptions on how easy you are to work with.


Are these the first impressions you are wanting to give?

Show them a clunky, outdated website that you created yourself with pixilated photos & bad copy and what assumptions do you think they will make about your business?

Show them a clean, modern, well organised & thoughtfully presented website and people will assume your business is equally as well organised.

So how do you make a good first impression with your website?


Keep it clean & keep it lean.

Your site should have a clean & simple style, bright, sharp images and concise, well written copy. 

It should lead the viewer on a journey, feeding them the information they need in order for them to feel that they know you, and want to engage your services.

It does not need to detail everything you can do. It should contain just enough information to demonstrate your core abilities & make the viewer want to know more about you.

It should have a mobile-friendly layout......ideally a single page layout. Too many pages & menus can be difficult to navigate on mobile. 

Let them get to know you.

Make it personal........give a little.

Give people a chance to get to know a little bit about you. If they feel they know you then they are far more likely to do business with you.

Adding a photo & a small bio about yourself and your key staff can make a huge difference.


Give them what they need.

After the introductions are out of the way and they feel like they know you already, give them the info they came here for. Primarily this will be the following......

  • Your core services. As mentioned above, you don't have to list everything, just the core services to demonstrate competency.
  • Where you are, or which areas you service.
  • Your operating hours.
  • How is best to contact you to find out more.

Sound simple? It is, but it's also very easy to do it wrong.

Not all websites are created equal, and nor should they be. The requirements of a big brand website are very different from a local business website, and so the format & features of these websites should also be different.

There are a myriad of website building platforms available, offering all the bells & whistles. However, just because you can do something, doesn't necessarily mean you should do something. It's easy to get caught in the trap of including every fancy effect & feature available, but they can often detract from your core message rather than enhance it. This is especially true of local business websites.  

I know what you're thinking.......

This all sounds great, but I don't know enough to create my own website properly. I have't got the time to learn and paying someone else to do it costs a fortune! So what do I do?

We hear you......

and that's why we created our Done-For-You Websites service. We do all the hard work for you. Our design & copy writing teams will create a beautifully crafted website to showcase your business.

Oh, and it doesn't have to cost the earth! Our services are extremely cost effective. We think you'll be surprised just how little they actually cost!


Our website services also include providing & maintaining a current SSL certificate for your website, secure hosting on a global hosting platform to ensure the best load speeds & highest levels of security, regular backups, and an ongoing support service. We're here to answer any questions you have at any time.

In addition, when you want to update your site, or change a few details, just let us know.......and there won't be any additional charges.

Want to know more?

Complete your details in the form below and we'll be happy to call to you discuss.

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