Social Posting | JPL Marketing Solutions - Small Business Growth Strategists. Digital & Print Marketing Agency in Macarthur, Sydney.

Get Your Social Media Working FOR You!

Every local business needs to leverage social media. Right? The trouble is that managing it takes time, and worse, if done wrongly it can do more harm than good.


So Why Is Social Media So Important To YOUR Business Success?


Brand Awareness

  • Posting regularly gets your message in front of your customers more often. The more they see you & think of you the stronger your brand will be.
  • Make sure your business logo is on every post. It will get you increased brand visibility as people share your post, and also stops your competition from stealing your posts.
  • Makes you part of the community. Soon they want stickers of YOUR logo on their laptop!

Shows You've Got What It Takes.

  • First & foremost posting regularly shows that you are open! Don't post regularly and prospective customers might assume otherwise.
  • Like it or not people will judge you based on what you do.....or do not do. Post regularly and everything thinks you're organised & in control. Don't post for weeks at a time and they might assume the opposite.
  • Posting regular business specific content positions you as an authority in your space.

It Works Even When You Aren't & It Gives You A Way To Engage With Your Current & Future Customers Remotely.

  • People check their social media anywhere & everywhere, at all times of the day and night, not just when you're at work. Post regularly and you'll get your message in front of them regardless of when they check their feed.
  • Posting a variety of content keeps them guessing. It doesn't all have to be serious. Posting some light hearted content shows you have a sense of humour and keeps people engaged with your business more.

Get The Facebook Algorithm Working For You

Facebook rewards businesses that feed it new content every day. When you post twice a day you will get........

  • More exposure in the newsfeed.
  • Higher "social search" ranking when people search for your business on Facebook.

I know what you're thinking...........this all sounds great, but I can't handle all that!

We hear you, and that's why we created our Done-For-You Social Posting service. We do all the hard work to allow you to leverage your business' social media.
Our Done-For-You Social Posting service solves the 3 most common problems for local business owners managing their social media, those being TIME, CONTENT & STRATEGY. We know the strategy & we have the content. Let us give you back your time so you can get back to doing what your love. Engage potential local clients on social media using smart and relevant content by our team of graphic designers and copywriters.

Surveys show that nearly HALF of small all business owners spend 75 minutes/day working on their social media.......that's 6 HOURS a week!

Stop Worrying about your Social Media Pages and Let our Professional Team Manage it for you... (and get it done for a fraction of what it would cost you to hire a big marketing firm to do it).

Don't have time to manage your own marketing?

Contact us to find out how we can help.

We'd love to hear from you!